Website University of Maryland
The University of Maryland School of Public Policy seeks an associate or full professor starting Fall 2020. The School seeks distinguished candidates with an active research agenda and teaching interest in such policy areas as:
· health (including public health, healthcare access and financing, and social determinants of health),
· poverty and income disparity,
· social insurance,
· education (including higher education),
· criminal justice,
· Demonstrable commitment to health-related policy problems as part of a candidate’s portfolio creates prospects for an endowed chair.
Candidates must have established records yielding publication in peer-reviewed journals and scholarly books. The search especially prizes academic versatility, meaning an ability to teach multiple social policy or other courses at both undergraduate (B.A. in Public Policy) and graduate levels. As a policy school seeking impact in both academic and public discourse, a record of engagement beyond the academy is attractive for us. Executive training is also an institutional priority (see below).
Applicants should hold an earned doctorate. Doctorates should be in such fields as: public policy, public administration, economics, sociology, education, public health, history, law (Juris Doctor), social psychology or political science. Women and members of minorities whose hiring would enhance the School’s diversity are especially encouraged to apply.
Application materials should include a letter of interest describing qualifications, a curriculum vitae, contact information for at least three references, and a recent publication or writing sample.
To apply, visit https://ejobs.umd.edu/postings/74771 and apply online. Materials sent outside of the online system cannot be accepted. Review of applications will commence on December 1.
To apply for this job please visit ejobs.umd.edu.