The Dianne M. Pinderhughes Mentorship Legacy Award
Call for Nominations:
The Dianne M. Pinderhughes Mentorship Legacy Award, established through the Dianne M. Pinderhughes Foundation, (DMPF, Inc.), is a scholarship award for undergraduate students to attend the National Conference of Black Political Scientists (NCOBPS). The creation of this award, by her former students, honors Dr. Pinderhughes’s positive influence on their careers and continues her legacy of outstanding scholarship, teaching, and dedicated mentorship for the benefit of future generations.
The awardee will receive a travel stipend reimbursement of $500. The award will be presented during the Annual Meetings’ Award Program.
Student self-nominations and nominations by others are encouraged. Undergraduate students who have previously attended the NCOBPS Annual Meeting may apply; however, preference will be given to first-time attendees and applicants from departments of political science. An independent selection committee will review the applications and select the winning recipient.
(Category 1) Undergraduate students presenting papers during the conference;
(Category 2) Undergraduate students who are not presenting but attending the conference to gain insight on groundbreaking Black politics research and to consider a political science related career.
- If presenting, include a copy of the paper proposal. A copy of documents from the online paper submission system is acceptable. (Category 1)
- All nominees must submit a 1-page cover letter introducing themselves, explaining their interest in political science, and stating how attending NCOBPS will benefit them and the organization. (Categories 1 and 2)
- All nominees must submit a 1-page letter of support from a faculty mentor, professor, chair of the department, or an activist mentor with whom they have organized. (Categories 1 and 2)
Please submit all required documents electronically by February 24, 2023 to Dr. Lorrie Frasure, Award Committee Chair with the following subject line, “Pinderhughes Mentorship Legacy Award.”
For more information, please click here to visit the foundation website.